To prepare for this program, every new teacher to the program will participate in a two-day professional learning session whereby they learn to teach students outdoors and deliver specific learning sessions pertaining to the specific curriculum outcomes. The cross-curricular learning sessions are heavily linked to particular items in the grade 5 curriculum; for example, students do a weather measurement learning activity that fulfills some of the outcomes of the weather science unit. Gros Morne National Park was the first national park in Canada to provide a residential outdoor education program within its boundaries. This program is also unique in that, visiting teachers do much of the teaching during their class visits. Killdevil Camp and Conference Centre Location: It is situated on 42 acres of what was once farmland and lies a five minute walk from the former town of Lomond. Except for a very few similar programs, most school outdoor education opportunities in Canada are accessed by expression of interest. nlesd first class

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For further information please visit: By contrast, in Western Region of the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District, most of the logistics of the trip including busing and scheduling are taken care of by district staff and by the outdoor education coordinator. All participating teachers have an opportunity to lead activities such as Path fist Verse, Micro Climates, Archaeological Dig, Initiatives, journal writing, and estuary study.

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While the formal curriculum is important, so too is the rest of the experience; students from smaller communities are placed with nlesx larger group of students their own age, firrst from urban areas experience nature and wildlife, first walk under a forest canopy for students for areas with barrens, a first night away from home, first school bus trip, new friends.

Qalipu First Nations fiirst joined as the fourth partner in Participating students have an opportunity to focus on specific curriculum outcomes within a variety of subject areas. The cross-curricular learning sessions are heavily linked to particular items in the grade 5 curriculum; for example, students do a weather measurement learning activity that fulfills some of the outcomes of the weather science unit.

Gros Morne National Park was the first national park in Canada to provide a residential outdoor education program within its boundaries. Teachers continually comment that students who struggle to fit into traditional schooling thrive in this setting.

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It is situated on 42 acres of what was once farmland and blesd a five minute walk from the former town of Lomond. By teaching within the program, teachers are able to observe their students in contexts far different from the regular classroom and are able to follow-up on what is taught here once they get back in the classroom.

Outdoor Education Program

Barbe School District 3, in partnership with Killdevil Camp and Conference Centre and Parks Canada, created a district-wide residential outdoor education program that would be nlsd in Canada.

Lomond is now a Parks Canada Campground some say it is the most scenic of all the campgrounds in the Park!

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To prepare for this program, every new teacher to the program will participate in a two-day professional learning session whereby they learn to teach students outdoors and deliver specific learning sessions pertaining to the specific clasx outcomes. Students participate in a variety of sensory awareness, environmental, and challenge cross curricular activities.

Inthe former Humber St. Most every student in the region has the claws to participate in the program, with about students participating each spring and fall. At Killdevil Camp and Conference Centre.

Aside from being part of firsf term planning and vision for the program, our partners staff participate as facilitators within the program. While many outdoor centre programs have curriculum links in their activities, our sessions are designed has a hands-on, nature-centered activity that deliver the curriculum. Through the success of this model, it is now being replicated by other school districts and national parks across the country.

Since its inception, more than 11, grade students, parent chaperones and teachers have travelled to Killdevil Camp in Gros Morne National Park to participate in this 2. Students usually participate when frist are in grade five, though some students in multi grade classes will attend in grade 4 or grade 6.

Killdevil Camp and Conference Centre Location: The breadth of the program is unique, as most every student in the Western Region of the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District has an opportunity to participate. Teachers and schools who are particularly interested seeking out an outdoor education experience for their students put the work into planning and often fundraising for a trip.

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As well, teachers who are comfortable teaching their students in an outdoor environment, have tools which can be used to teach their students in outdoor environments closer to their schools. Except for a very few similar programs, most school outdoor education opportunities in Canada are accessed by expression of interest.

This program is also unique in that, visiting nleed do much of the teaching during their class visits.


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